The Call to Serve
Crochet cotton, silver, gold, lead bullet; 2007
Linen, cotton hospital gown, nurse's accessories, silver; 2007
The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery (FNSNM) is an internationally recognised educational institution affiliated to Kings College London. In 2006 the Head of School embarked upon the development of a cultural strategy for FNSNM with the twin aims of developing a range of social and cultural activities for students and improving the visual identity of the school. The first stage within the process of developing the cultural strategy entailed commissioning two visual artists to produce works for display within the school’s facilities.
The FNSNM Museum commission was concerned with the production of a series of works in response to the Florence Nightingale Museum archive, to be installed in the Franklin Wilkins Building (Waterloo) in 2007. The work needed to be developed with reference the museum collection. The research process led to the construction of a series of five neckpieces, each reflecting an aspect of Florence Nightingale’s life and legacy.
All images © Tomás Valenzuela Blejer
The Call to Serve [detail]
Crochet cotton, silver, gold, lead bullet
Soap and Bandages
Carbolic soap, plaster bandages, gold; 2007
Soap and Bandages [detail]
Carbolic soap, plaster bandages, gold; 2007
Uniformity [detail]
Linen, cotton hospital gown, nurse's accessories, silver; 2007
Wool, coins, shells, badges, plastic figures, Ladybird book; 2007
Collecting [detail]
Wool, coins, shells, badges, plastic figures, Ladybird book; 2007